In the East of England more than £188m was lost due to cybercrime in the past 18 months - and the trend is set to worsen, experts have warned.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has reported a 72% increase in cybercrime cases during the March 2020 lockdown.
Human error caused 90% of all cyber data breaches in 2019, according to a CybSafe analysis of data from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
What is Security Awareness Training (SAT)?
SAT provides you and your employees with relevant information that tests their cyber awareness covering all aspects of data security. Your employees are a line of defence against cybercrime and the better informed they are the more likely they will be able to spot suspicious activity.
Seven reasons why it is important
To prevent attacks - starting with the most obvious, security awareness training helps stop that fake email from the boss asking for money to be transferred urgently or opening an infected file.
To build a culture of security – this means building security values into the fabric of your business. Training that covers situational awareness (why someone might be at risk), plus work and home-life benefits is a good way to bring people onboard. You need your staff to be active in cyber defence and willing to question things which concern them.
To make technological defences more robust - technological defences are a valuable weapon in preventing breaches. But technological defences require input from people. Firewalls need to be turned on. Security warnings need to be acknowledged. Software needs to be updated. Attackers today rarely bother trying to sabotage businesses through technological means only. They typically target people, as they are seen as an easy way into protected networks.
To give your customers confidence - a business that takes measures to improve cyber security will be better able to generate consumer trust that their data is safe with you.
For compliance - compliance alone is no reason to introduce security awareness training. Those who introduce training solely to comply with regulations risk doing the bare minimum however, compliance can be a happy by-product of security awareness training.
To be socially responsible as a business - the absence of security awareness training in one organisation makes other organisations vulnerable and can spread computer malware. It is a little like leaving your house door unlocked – with the keys to next door waiting inside.
To improve employee wellbeing - it is well-documented that happy people are productive people. So, it is worth remembering that security awareness training doesn’t just keep people safe at work. It keeps them safe in their personal life, too.
Where can this training be accessed?
The Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre - Sign up for the business membership and chose our closed half-day Cyber Security Training Awareness session at your site (up to 30 people) .
The NCSC delivers cyber security training for staff and is available for anyone to take part in. NCSC's cyber security training for staff now available - NCSC.GOV.UK
Protect Network - protect officers in the eastern region who are trained to give free, bespoke cyber security training either in person or online – contact the ECRC and we can put you in touch with the protect officer in your area.
For more information on password security or guidance on how to stay more cyber resilient, visit our Core Membership page where, by simply joining up today, you have access to receive free practical guidance on the cyber security basics.
We also provide a range of flexible paid membership options that you can upgrade to suit the level of support required.