Referral Program
Refer a contact and get rewarded!
We want to be able to help every business in the Eastern region and believe that the best recommendation will come from our members after having experienced the support that we can provide.
But we also recognise that cyber resilience is not most people's normal business conversation so we want to give something back to you, to say thank you, when you refer a business who signs up to our community.
Refer between 1 - 5 members
We will give your company a shout out on our social media channels for every referral that you get to sign up. We will publicly recognise that your business is taking cyber resilience seriously and helping to protect the business community in the East.
Refer over 5 members
We will donate £5 to our partner charity Peterborough Women's Aid for every referral over 5 that you get to sign up.
Refer 25 members
Refer over 25 members and get a £100 voucher for you, or a charity of your choice, to pay towards a Cyber PATH Student Service.
Company QWE speaks to their supply chains about the benefits of the ECRC and recommend that they sign up.
Company 1 signs up - the ECRC shouts out about company QWE
Company 2 signs up - the ECRC shouts out about company QWE again...
Company 6 signs up - the ECRC donates £5 to our partner charity
Company 7 signs up - the ECRC donates another £5 to our partner charity...
Company 25 signs up - the ECRC provides a £100 voucher to company QWE, or a charity of QWE's choice, to pay towards a Cyber PATH Student Service.
Company 26 signs up - the ECRC donates another £5 to our partner charity again
How to refer
Simply get your contacts to sign up on our website and make sure they put your business's name in the "How did you hear about us" section and we will do the rest.
Peterborough Women's Aid - ECRC Partner Charity
Peterborough Women’s Aid (PWA) is the only specialist domestic abuse
service in Peterborough and provides safe and stable refuge accommodation
for women and children fleeing high risk domestic abuse, potentially at risk of
homicide. The refuge provides essential provision for up to eight families where
we can offer our specialist, holistic model of support.
PWA runs a number of specialist community services. We have an advice line, webchat and group work service for survivors who are living in the community. PWA facilitates the Own My Life Programme online and in person. We work in HMP Peterborough with female residents delivering awareness and empowering sessions. We run a weekly group session in Peterborough raising awareness about abuse, and also focussing on self-esteem, confidence and prevention.
The ECRC reserves the right to cancel this scheme at any time for any reason and has the final decision as to whether a referral is accepted.
A referral is defined by
The referred company must be an active and trading company or third sector organisation.
The referred company must join the ECRC either as a free or paying member and stay for at least 4 weeks.
The referred company must, at the time of signing up, reference your company (the referring company) as where they heard about the ECRC from.
The referred company must be based within the ECRC's region (Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, Kent, Norfolk or Suffolk. Any company not within this region, who does sign up, will be transferred to the appropriate CRC and the referral will not count as part of this program.
Donations to the charity will take place once a quarter.
We will send you emails about each referral that is accepted and your current number of referrals/rewards. Where possible we will inlude links to your social media pages or website within our shout out.