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Should I ditch my password manager?

Photo of circuit board with padlock and notebook on top

Absolutely not!

However, in light of recent disclosures from global password manager LastPass that they have suffered a serious data breach we understand that you may have some concerns.

So what should I do now?

It depends on what password manager you use.

If you are a user of LastPass the company guidance is that you go through your vaults and take extra steps to protect yourself—including changing all of their passwords. But start with your high priority accounts first, like your principal e-mail accounts and those linked to online banking. And change your master password as well.

Consider turning on 2 factor authentication on for those high value accounts as well – that way, even if the hackers break your vault code they still cant access your accounts.

If you don’t use LastPass or any other password manager why not give yourselves the opportunity to learn more about password security and multi factor authentication. Sign up to join our free community and we will take you and your business on a journey of discovery! It could save your company and customers thousands of pounds and help protect your reputation in the marketplace. It will definitely make you sleep better at night.

Here at the Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre we still recognise that password managers are one solution that can offer a convenient and safe way of storing your passwords. So do the right thing, sign up to the ECRC and start 2023 in the best way possible.

Happy New Year!


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