Our Trusted Partners are an integral part of the ECRC, being able to accredit cyber essentials.
But here is a little more information about the people behind the partner.

Tell me who you are and what you do within MASS?
I’m Kevin Gladwin and I’m the Business Development Lead for our Cyber and Digital Services Team.
How did you get into cyber resilience?
I’ve been in business development for tech for a few years and at MASS I work very closely with the Cyber team. Part of my role is to help customers identify, explore and solve their problems, ultimately making them safer. It’s something I find particularly fulfilling and an area I really enjoy.
What’s the best thing about working at MASS?
There are two: 1) the people and 2) the work we do. Because we work with some of the most secure organisations in the world, we get involved in some really interesting, highly confidential projects. And I get to work with very clever and collaborative people who really care about what they do.
What size companies do you work with?
A wide range from micro-businesses of less than 10 staff, up to organisations Public and private with many thousands of personnels.
What do you see small/medium companies struggling with in terms of cyber resilience?
Recognising the threat of cyber-attacks. If you identify the threat, you can work towards alleviating it before it becomes an issue, and that saves time on remediation where an incident occurs.
Why should companies get Cyber Essentials accreditation?
Cyber Essentials is great standard to ensure cyber security is present in an organisation. The tests and checks create a robust attack surface which makes executing successful exploits significantly more difficult, helping to deter malicious actors to a greater extent.
What three tips would you givea company with little knowledge of cyber resilience?
Taking steps to improve your cyber resilience can improve your chances of not suffering a cyber-attack. In the event that you do, good cyber security standards can help you continue your business operations despite the disruption cyber incidents can cause, so it’s definitely worthwhile investing in your digital security.
Legacy devices and out-of-date tech can be ideal way for malicious actors to get in, from mobile phones to computers and servers. Keeping your equipment up to date goes hand in hand with keeping your software patched: this will limit the opportunities available to hackers.
If you’re uncertain about the current state of your cyber defences, find a professional and make yourself in-the-know. Don’t be one of the many UK companies who suffer breaches every year.
What is your favourite pizza topping?
Star Wars, Star Trek or A Star is Born?
Star Wars, especially the earlier made films.
