The Cyber Resilience Centre for the East of England is in its infancy and invites expressions of interest for individuals to join the Board and Advisory Group.
We are seeking a diverse range of representation across industry, locality and remit within business, third sector and public sector with offices within the East of England for the following:
The ECRC Board
The governance of our organisation. Individuals who sit on the board are the fiduciaries responsible for overseeing the organisation’s activities and who steer the organisation towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical and legal governance, as well as by making sure it has adequate resources to keep its business stable through strong financial management policies.
The liability of Board members is covered under Directors and Officers liability appropriate to this scale of not-for-profit limited company.
The Board appointments for the first year are by invitation in order to fulfil a broad spectrum of business interests and sectors that will support and assist with the delivery of the Centres objectives. The Board terms are non-remunerated and carry a term of three years.
The Advisory Group
Our Advisory Group ensures the relevance and recommendations for development of our services and benefits for all our members and local businesses or third sector organisations.
A series of discovery events will be arranged soon to which you will be invited to meet the team and find out more.