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2 days ago6 min read
The Latest Frauds - Alert System From Kent Police
The ECRC works closely with local policing to ensure that our members benefit from the free tools and services that local policing...

Jan 215 min read
The Latest Frauds - Alert System From Kent Police
The ECRC works closely with local policing to ensure that our members benefit from the free tools and services that local policing...

Jan 34 min read
Phishing 101: Understanding the Basics
Most people have experienced a phishing attempt in one way or another. But what is it? This blog is going to take it back to basics and...

Dec 30, 20246 min read
New Year, New Cyber Habits: Top Tips to Strengthen Your Cybersecurity for 2025
The start of a new year brings the perfect time to reflect on the past and make intentional improvements looking into the future. One...

Oct 9, 20247 min read
The Latest Frauds Alert System from Kent Police
The ECRC works closely with local policing to ensure that our members benefit from the free tools and services that local policing...

Oct 2, 20243 min read
The Latest Frauds Alert System From Kent Police
The ECRC works closely with local policing to ensure that our members benefit from the free tools and services that local policing...

Sep 25, 20245 min read
The Latest Frauds - Kent Fraud Email Alert System
The ECRC works closely with local policing to ensure that our members benefit from the free tools and services that local policing...

Jul 24, 20245 min read
Phishing in the Leisure and Travel Sector
With the summer holidays in full swing, it is an apt time to consider the risks of phishing to leisure and travel companies. The travel...

May 21, 20245 min read
Logistics: The Ransomware Threat and What You Can Do
For logistics and transport companies, cyber crime is a particularly important threat to consider. As a business, their success relies on...

Apr 4, 20244 min read
Do Strong Passwords and MFA Make a Difference to the Security of the Financial Services Sector?
The financial sector is one of the most targeted by cyber criminals, and the effects of a successful attack or data breach can be...

Mar 27, 20244 min read
Law firms in the East of England. Are you safe from phishing attacks?
If you work in a law firm, you probably already know that the cyber risk to your business is rising continually. The National Cyber...

Jan 3, 20245 min read
What Are the Risks of Phishing for my Charity?
32% of businesses reported being the victim of a cyber-attack in 2022, as did 30% of charities, and phishing was involved in the majority...

Dec 1, 20235 min read
Food and retail - how safe are you?
98% of UK businesses are now online in one way or another, and they all benefit hugely from the use of websites, social media accounts,...

Nov 27, 20235 min read
What does a phishing scam look like in the healthcare sector?
When it comes to cyberattacks, social engineering remains one of the most efficient and effective methods used by criminals. According to...

Oct 19, 20233 min read
Is my HR team at risk of a phishing attack?
Statistics show that 32% of businesses were a victim of a cyber-attack in 2022. Additionally, 79% of cyber-attacks reported in 2023 so...

Sep 22, 20235 min read
What is phishing and how does it affect tech and IT companies?
We all know that email phishing attacks are continuing to increase in complexity and frequency year over year. Hackers are employing more...

Jul 14, 20235 min read
Is my travel firm at risk of a phishing attack?
Travel, tourism, and leisure are among the most impacted industries globally by cyber security, with digital fraud attempts rising 155.9%...

Mar 24, 20235 min read
Phishing Attacks on Charities: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe
Many charities assume they are safe from cybercrime since they don't have valuable assets. While charities may not be cash-rich, they do...

Mar 21, 20236 min read
How a phishing attack on a national company can impact small businesses
The directors of the Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales and the Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre, Paul Peters and Paul Lopez, got together...

Feb 7, 20234 min read
Are Construction Companies likely to be a victim of a phishing attack?
Fifty percent of the construction companies on mainland UK are in the East and Southeast of England. Construction is big business in The...

News from the Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre
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