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Education Sector Tools and Resources

Schools are perceived to be soft targets due to the low levels of cyber security some of them employ. They also hold sensitive personal data on staff, pupils and parents that can be valuable to attackers, and have financial assets and processes that can be exploited by criminals to steal money.


The ECRC has gathered some key tools and guidance from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and the The Education Network (NEN) specifically to help the education sector become aware of the current cyber threats and guide them in how to be more cyber resilient.


Questions for the governing body and trustees to ask school leaders, to help improve a school's understanding of its cyber security risks.



The NCSC has produced free cyber security training to raise awareness and help school staff manage some of the key cyber threats facing schools.


How to protect sensitive information about your setting and the children in your care from accidental damage and online criminals.



Mail Check helps assess your email security compliance and adopt secure email standards which prevent criminals from spoofing your email domains.


Web Check helps you find and fix common security vulnerabilities in the websites that you manage. 






Provides Senior Managers and Governors with a broad overview of the range of online threats that an internet connection exposes their schools to, and directs them to tools which can be used to develop a robust cybersecurity policy to avoid or mitigate these risks.


A discussion about what to do if you find yourself caught up in a cyber incident




Checklist to define and formalise the responsibilities of each part of the school community from SMT to teaching staff and pupils.



Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective, Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your school, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks.

An excellent webinar from our sister site, East Midlands CRC, made specifically for the education sector can viewed below:

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